04. Notebook + Quiz: Building Confidence Intervals

Confidence Intervals for the Population Mean

In the previous video, you saw how we could build a confidence interval for the population mean. To get some practice, you will do the same process to create a confidence interval for the population mean height of non-coffee drinkers. Additionally, there are some quiz questions available below the python notebook to assure your results are accurate.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.


Question 1

Use the results for the first two questions to match the following descriptions to the correct values.




Proportion of sample that drinks coffee

Proportion of sample that does not drink coffee

Average height for sample members that drink coffee

Average height for sample members that do not drink coffee




Proportion of sample that does not drink coffee

Average height for sample members that drink coffee

Average height for sample members that do not drink coffee

Proportion of sample that drinks coffee

Did the proportion of coffee drinkers in your bootstrap sample exactly match the proportion in the original sample?



Question 3

Use your answers to the final questions in the notebook to match each value to its corresponding description.




What is the lower bound of your 95% confidence interval for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

What is the upper bound of your 95% confidence interval for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

What is the value for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

Did your interval capture the true mean height for the non-coffee drinkers?

Was the sample mean height for non-coffee drinkers the same as the population mean height for non-coffee drinkers?




Did your interval capture the true mean height for the non-coffee drinkers?

What is the upper bound of your 95% confidence interval for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

What is the value for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

Was the sample mean height for non-coffee drinkers the same as the population mean height for non-coffee drinkers?

Did your interval capture the true mean height for the non-coffee drinkers?

What is the lower bound of your 95% confidence interval for the mean height of those who do not drink coffee in your population?

Was the sample mean height for non-coffee drinkers the same as the population mean height for non-coffee drinkers?

What percentage would we cut off of each tail if we wanted to build a 98% confidence interval?